This policy sets out the principles for Conflict of Interest within Friends of Grindleton School PTA. It is relevant to all within the association and is endorsed by the committee of Friends of Grindleton School PTA. It will be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains appropriate to the Organisation and its volunteers’ needs.
As Committee Members and Trustees of Friends of Grindleton School PTA we understand it is our duty to make decisions that are in the best interests of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA). We know that where any of us hold a personal or other interest, this will stop us from achieving this duty and acting in the best interest of our PTA.
This applies to every elected members of the Friends of Grindleton School PTA committee.
Our PTA takes the following steps to identify and deal with any conflicts of interest:
- We make all new committee members aware of this policy
- We ask all committee members to declare any conflict of interest
- When they are appointed
- At the beginning of each meeting
- Whenever a committee member becomes aware of a possible conflict of interest
- Any committee member with an identified conflict of interest is asked to withdraw from any discussion of and/or vote on that issue.
- Where conflicts of interest arise we will detail in the minutes of the meeting how this has been addressed
- The PTA will work to make sure there is a good mix of parents and staff across the school involved within the PTA. This will stop any one part of the school being overly-represented.
- Where decisions made may favour one year group, subject area or particular aspect of the school over others we will ensure we have consulted with our members and over time will ensure that all aspects of the school will benefit equally.
This policy will be reviewed annually by the Friends of Grindleton School PTA committee.